Health Code Issues in Silver Spring Pool Removal

Silver Spring Pool Removal Violates Health Code

These Maryland homeowners contacted Carroll Bros. Contracting about this Silver Spring pool removal due to a health code violation. The pool was over 25 years old, unused, and in major disrepair. The vegetation in the yard was extremely overgrown. There was also an old decrepit fence that needed to be removed.

Silver Spring Pool Removal

Silver Spring Pool Removal Before

Carrol Bros. started the demolition by removing the overgrowth and the old fence. This allowed us access to the old concrete pool. We broke up the concrete to allow for proper groundwater drainage. Our crew removed all the debris and filled in the pool and regraded the yard. Grass seed and hay were laid to promote growth and prevent erosion.

Silver Springs Pool Removal

Silver Springs Pool Removal During

The result is a beautiful space that not only complies with county regulations but is a lovely space for the homeowners to utilize. If you have a pool that is in disrepair and a yard that is overgrown with vegetation, contact Carroll Bros. Contracting. Our crew will complete the job quickly, efficiently, and affordably.

Silver Springs Pool Removal After

Silver Spring Pool Removal After

If you have a pool that has health code issues or is in need of major repair, save yourself the money and contact Carroll Bros. Contracting today. We can give you your yard back in no time.

MHIC #87807


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