Home Demolition Project in Edgewater

Home Demolition Project in Edgewater

While the majority of our projects concern pool removals, occasionally we are called upon for a home demolition. Today, teardowns are not uncommon as cities are continuing to evolve and the desire to redevelop outdated structures is necessary. One of those recent projects we had involved the demolition of a home in Edgewater, Maryland. The homeowners reached out to Carroll Bros. Contracting to destroy the existing house on their property in its entirety. The house was outdated and in need of a complete makeover. The family hoped to then rebuild a better home that was more suitable for their lifestyle and taste.

Edgewater home demolition during

The homeowners were more than ready to begin the demolition, as they had plans to rebuild immediately.

Edgewater home demolition

The Aftermath

After the demolition was complete, the homeowners were eager to build a brand new house in its place. So, we began working with a local custom homebuilder in Annapolis to get them started as soon as possible. The construction is currently underway, and we will share the results once the renovation is complete.

As stated before, there is a recent trend in homeowners opting for demolitions rather than renovations. This may be the case as renovating can actually end up being the more expensive option. It can be less expensive to do a home demolition rather than rebuild. If you ultimately find that it is more beneficial to rebuild, remember these tips before you get started:

  • Find the right contractor
  • Get the house inspected
  • Acquire permits necessary for a demolition
  • Disconnect your existing services
  • Make sure that safety is a priority
  • Find a way to salvage reusable materials

If you are interested in removing a structure because it is in disrepair, contact Carrol Bros. Contracting. Our team has years of experience, and we promise to complete your project in a timely manner. That way you cam move on quickly to the next stage of construction. Contact us today to schedule your estimate!

MHIC #87807


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