Concrete Pool Removal in Columbia Maryland
For this Concrete Pool Removal in Columbia Maryland, it was similar to many calls we get. The property owner was an investor and recently purchased the property at a real estate auction. While the owner had seen the property the condition of the pool and many other features of the house and yard were unknown at time of purchase.
Before Concrete Pool Removal in Columbia Maryland
As you can see from the picture below, this pool had not been cared for, for many many years. The new property owners, came up with a plan of removing the current pool, and regaining some much needed livable/usable backyard area. They gave us a call, and after a pre-construction meeting we game up with a game plan, not only to remove the pool but grade the yard to the help achieve the vision of the new property owners, so they could put it on the market.

After Concrete Pool Removal in Columbia Maryland
This was a big job, the pool was large, had fencing and hardscaping around and would need a good amount of grading. Once we removed the pool, we filled the hole, and went to work on grading the large disturbed area. We were then able to get seed, straw and add topsoil to bring this property back to life and ready for the open market.

If you have an in-ground pool that your family has outgrown or has fallen into disrepair, call Carroll Bros. Contracting and Pool Removal. Our team will evaluate your situation and offer a fair estimate. Most importantly, you can trust us to work efficiently and quickly. That way, you can reclaim your backyard space. Schedule an appointment with us today!