Concrete Pool Removal in Silver Spring Maryland
For this concrete pool removal in silver spring Maryland, it was every home owners nightmare. The pool had a small leak, that was left unfixed, but the pool was still useable even with this leak, however because of the grade of the yard, a large storm rolled in and the water from the rain flowed towards the pool.
Before Concrete Pool Removal in Silver Spring Maryland
As you can see from the picture below there is a severe grade to this property, causing all the storm water to work it’s way towards pool, and because of the existing leak, under the pool. Once enough water got under this pool, the buoyance of water pushed the pool shell out of the ground. Once this happens, there is no turning back and the only option is to remove the pool.

After Concrete Pool Removal in Silver Spring Maryland
As you can see from the picture above the pool raised out of the ground several inches, and our only option was to remove it. We removed the pool, filled the hole, graded and added top soil and straw. Even though the home owner didn’t want to lose their pool, they now at least have a useable backyard.

If you have an in-ground pool that your family has outgrown or has fallen into disrepair, call Carroll Bros. Contracting and Pool Removal. Our team will evaluate your situation and offer a fair estimate. Most importantly, you can trust us to work efficiently and quickly. That way, you can reclaim your backyard space. Schedule an appointment with us today!