Vinyl Liner Pool Removal in Harwood Maryland
Unfortunately this is a story we come across to often, but we are glad we could help, for this Vinyl Liner Pool Removal in Harwood Maryland. The home owners husband had passed away and the pool maintenance was something that he had taken care of, as time elapsed the pools condition got worse and worse, to the point she decided to have it removed.
Before Vinyl Liner Pool Removal in Harwood Maryland
This pool was in bad shape, and the back yard was over grown with shrubs and other bushes, that left no real back yard to use. We came in and removed the pool, the patio and all the overgrown shrubs and bushes that were causing issues. With the mindset of giving this customer a back a yard she could enjoy that would be little maintenance for her to deal with.

After Vinyl Liner Pool Removal in Harwood Maryland
As you can see from the picture above there was a lot of patio, and overgrown plants taking up a good portion of this back yard. So we got to work removing the pool, patio and plants, filled in the hole and then got to work regrading the entire property, so that this customer would have a low maintenance back yard to use and enjoy, we then finished the project off with top soil, seed and straw.

If you have an in-ground pool that your family has outgrown or has fallen into disrepair, call Carroll Bros. Contracting and Pool Removal. Our team will evaluate your situation and offer a fair estimate. Most importantly, you can trust us to work efficiently and quickly. That way, you can reclaim your backyard space. Schedule an appointment with us today!